Monday, April 29, 2013

How animals eat their food

Today I want to continue with food, but this time from completely different perspective.

In YouTube we can find many videos which show how people feed up their dogs or cats. Obviously they’re popular, but in respect of popularity they were beaten by picture released recently. One of the YouTube’s users, called MEM (MisterEpicMann), at the beginning of April recorded a movie How animals eat their food.

While his mate was eating a dinner, MEM represented different animals and their way of eating.

This video is weird but funny at the same time and my favorite animals are whale, kangaroo and flamingo :D

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Heart Attack Grill

As we’ve been talking during the classes about junk food and the movie Super Size Me, I decided to write about Heart Attack Grill, a bizarre restaurant located in Las Vegas.

Their slogan is  “A taste worth dying for” and it isn’t an empty promise. You can order there  up 8 000-calorie burger meal. The most popular meal is called “Quadruple Bypass Burger” and it contains four half-pound beef patties, potatoes and red onion fried in lard, tomatoes, 20 slices of bacon, American cheese and Heart Attack Grill's own unique special sauce. You can order French fries deep fried in pure lard. They also offer "Butter-fat Shakes" in vanilla, chocolate and strawberry flavors. Now it’s clear that waitresses are dressed up like nurses and cooks like doctors.

 Heart Attack Grill's staff

Keeping in mind all things mentioned about food, it isn’t surprising that one of the customers suffered from heart attack while he was eating…
Do you want to order something in this restaurant? And what do you think about junk food in general?

Oh nom nom...

To be honest, from time to time I like going to fast food restaurants. Last week my friends and I visited McDonald’s and we ate sooo muuuch… Of course, with no remorse because summer is coming and everyone burns calories in the gym/at home. So do I, but not in Jenna’s way :D

Monday, April 8, 2013

Spanish Cinema Week - Pájaros de papel

Directed by Emilio Aragón and photographed by David Omedes Pájaros de papel (Paper birds) fall into the category of comedy-drama.

The story of a group of circus performers is set after the war that had deprived them of everything but hunger. The musician Jorge del Pino, the ventriloquist Enrique Corgo, the popular singer Rocío Moliner and Miguel, the orphan, along with the other “lost souls” form an extraordinary family. They try to live every day like any other, with its miseries and joys. Laugh and music help them overcome obstacles and the lack of bread is compensated by audience applause.

Among winners and losers protagonists look for something to eat or for a place to sleep rather than for a chance in life. Unfortunately, sooner than they can imagine, they encounter tough test and they  have to make decision which turns into a matter of survival.

In the time full of intrigues and dangers performers  try to go straight forward to get somewhere where they can sleep without fear

This touching but free of mawkish sentiment (like Tres metros sobre el cielo) movie is a heartwarming tale of unusual friendship. What I like about Pájaros de papel, except for the performance of the actors, is charming soundtrack. On top of that, the photography is very impressive. Each close-up shot seems to be very meaningful; in my opinion it can evoke deep emotions in every person.

This production definitely belongs to my list of best movies. What is more, it’s similar to my beloved La vita e bella and Cinema Paradiso, another films really worth seeing.  

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spanish Cinema Week - La sombra de Evita: volveré y seré millones

La sombra de Evita: volveré y seré millones is an ambitious and well-realized documentary directed by Xavier Gassió which focuses on Eva Duarte’s transformation from a dark-haired film bit player and model to a radiant blonde actress and finally, to the First Lady of Argentina.

The movie follows her journey to Spain during which her legend rises. A young, enthusiastic woman in front of Carmen Polo, a boring and decadent Franco’s wife; it is a breath of fresh air for this fascist country.

No doubt, Gassió simply tells us a story about her life. He tries to avoid categorizing and criticizing. However, the documentary sometimes seems chaotic. Nevertheless, if you want to get to know biographical details of Evita, you should definitely watch this production.